Password Reset
Password Reset from Fortified ID simplifies the management of secure password reset for your organization.
Users can easily and securely create a new password through self-service without having to contact their employer's IT support.
Users with personnel responsibility (manager, teacher, partner/consultant manager) can reset passwords on behalf of another user.
Your organization becomes more efficient as the time that the end user does not have access can be greatly shortened. In addition, IT personnel can also devote themselves to more constructive and proactive work.

With Password Reset from Fortified ID, users can use a plethora of methods to prove that they are the person they claim to be. Fortified ID offers among other things BankID*, Freja eID*, Siths eID. It is also possible to use your existing Identity provider if desired.
* Requires approval of use case
Popular secure methods
Password Reset from Fortified ID also includes a feature to delegate password reset to another user, we call it “on behalf of”. This could be a manager, service desk, teacher or other selected function.
Bobby Clarke is a teacher who has the ability to reset passwords for his students. When Bobby logs in, he can choose which student to reset the password for. Everything is logged so that you can see in retrospect that it was Bobby who reset which student's password.
On behalf of

Password Policy
It must be easy for the user to see when he changes his password that it meets the policy that his organization has, at the same time it must be easy for an administrator to configure the password rules that must be met.
Look & feel, custom language
The user should feel at home and easily understand what he has to do. The product can be easily adapted to the user's look and feel. The product comes with a number of languages and can easily be extended for additional languages.
Multiple data sources
The product supports a number of the known user data sources that are used today, e.g. Active Directory, Microsoft Entra ID and Google.
When the password needs to be updated, the product can also write to several data sources at the same time.
Complex password policy