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This is a space to promote the business, its products or its services. Use this opportunity to help site visitors become more familiar with the business and its offerings. Reach out to current and potential clients and customers to build a sense of connection and trust.

Explain what makes the business unique. Identify the qualities that set it apart from its competitors and describe them, staying true to the brand's authentic voice. Add engaging details to catch readers' interest and hold their attention. Let them know how they can learn more about the business and take advantage of its products or services.


Fortified ID hjälper myndigheter med stark autentisering för både anställda, konsulter och medborgare. Vi har lång erfarenhet av att integrera EFOS och Myndighets CA. Vi kan även samla alla e-tjänster under en central IdP och där erbjuda en mängd inloggningsmetoder som BankID, Freja eID m.m.


Fortified ID kan även:

  • Utföra inloggning på LOA 4 (Level of Assurance)

  • Upprätta koppling mot alla interna datakällor för uppslag

  • API erbjuds för appar som inte kan hanteras via t.ex. SAML/OpenID Connect.

  • ID-mappning och ticket translation

  • Fortified ID IdP kan agera som olika logiska IdP'er för att få en logisk separation för olika scenarier.

Government Agencies


Gather all e-services under a central IDP with integration with different MFA methods, data sources and shared device login. Fortified ID is also able to offer:

  • API for apps that cannot be managed via e.g. SAML/OpenID Connect.

  • Obtain functionality such as ID mapping and “ticket translation”

  • Connecting local IdP to Inera's authentication service

  • Connecting local IdP to Inera's IDP (according to pattern with IdP Proxy)



Fortified ID helps municipalities with strong authentication for both employees, consultants and citizens. Our partners help set up a central portal for all e-services under a central IDP and offer a variety of login methods.

  • API is offered for apps that cannot be managed via e.g. SAML/OpenID Connect.

  • ID mapping and ticket translation

  • Fortified ID IdP can act as different logical IdP's to get a logical separation for different scenarios.

  • Manage federations with the various choices required for different users.



Fortified ID helps your business gain control over your digital identities. We can manage logins for internal users as well as consultants, customers, resellers or subcontractors. It is common for customers to want to simplify access and onboarding of "my pages" services, where historically users often had to reset the password every time they log in.

Private Sector


Fortified ID's solutions are designed to fit large-scale implementations and several of the design decisions are made to facilitate Managed Security Service Providers. Our solutions are built with modern operations in mind and are a good fit for our partners who want to sell strong authentication as a service. The solution is easy to manage, automate, update and monitor and is well suited for many parallel implementations.


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